
Welcome to the Museums of the Appenzellerland

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Museum Herisau

A diverse cantonal history

Appenzeller Volkskunde-Museum Stein

Folk Art Textiles Cheese

Zeughaus Teufen

Building Culture, Art Experiments

Museum Heiden

Health resort Animals Ethnology

Kunstmuseum Appenzell

Art Architecture Present

Museum Appenzell

Folklore and everyday culture

Museum Gais

of Gais

Museum Wolfhalden

The simple life of yore

Velomuseum Rehetobel

Ode to the bicycle

Puppenmuseum Waldfee Wald

Dolls from
all over the world

Jahrhundert der Zellweger Trogen

Textile Trade, Architecture

Schützenmuseum Trogen

Gunnery and handicrafts

Figurentheater-Museum Herisau

Wonderland of puppetry



13.30 Uhr

durch die Dauerausstellung: Silvesterchläuse, Alpfahrt, Sennenleben, Bauernmalerei, Streichmusik und vieles mehr.

Brauchtumsmuseum Urnäsch

Folnui. Lichtinstallation im Zeughaus


Diese Lichtinstallation des Genfer Künstlerkollektivs FOLNUI verwandelt das Zeughaus in eine faszinierende Kulisse.  Am 22. Februar bildet sie den Rahmen für einen künstlerischen Maskenball. Kuration: Klodin Erb

Zeughaus Teufen

Museums of the Appenzellerland

Welcome to the information portal of the seventeen Museums of the Appenzellerland. Here you will also find up-to-date information about the museums' exhibitions and special events. Come and take a look around!

The Appenzell region boasts a diverse array of museums. Mostly small, with the focus on cultural history, their architecture blends harmoniously with their environment.

With their many and varied collections, they embody the region's cultural heritage and, through their exhibitions, serve as an important platform for social dialogue and development.

This website is funded and maintained by the Museums Coordination (Culture Office) of the Canton Appenzell Ausserrhoden.